Getting to heaven on roller-skates - part 0: Content overview


The structure of the argument I will present here will follow a similar pattern used by John Stewart Mill in Utilitarianism, though my purpose in presenting this argument is not to assert any particular moral theory but a potential roadmap for applying character ethics. Some credit is due to my friend Alice Nyarko who was instrumental in formulating this particular roadmap.

The following series of articles will be arranged in the following order (and this page will be updated with Hyperlinks as these articles are published):

  1.  I will present my main argument using an example.
  2. I will entertain objections to my main argument.
  3. I will present another example from real life to add clarity.
  4. I will refine the above roadmap so that it is more applicable to interpersonal interactions.
  5. I will provide some background information explaining how my main argument took shape.
  6. I will attempt to provide a proof for Eudemonism.
I hope you enjoy reading!


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