It sure is hard to thrive without Microsoft Powerpoint

Since 2015, Microsoft PowerPoint has been my primary work horse for conceptualization. It has been able to serve all of my graphic design needs, that is, until Microsoft shoved a per-month paywall in front of it. Now I need to move on towards a future without it, and that is far easier said than done. What did I use PowerPoint for? What didn't I use it for? With enough practice, it could be used to mock-up graphical user interfaces, and the opening credits for movies. Though this may nit have been its intended use, PowerPoint is great at more than just slideshows. I could rehearse timings and export my creations as video files that I could drop into a video-editing program of my choice: (PowerPoint) Below are a couple of examples of how I used PowerPoint in my movie making endeavors: July 20th Update: Now that PowerPoint is miraculously working on my computer again, I am back in business! One of the benefits of being a Columbia College student is that as long as I am a student, ...