Additional notes why I'm starting a blog
Let me first share a favorite Mantra of mine used by Andrew Erickson, best known from the Tailosive network of YouTube channels; he says: "Be the Creator you want to see." This is the approach that he uses when creating videos. I admire him for his Authenticity and effort to maintain his unique artistic voice. I have also learned that creating good YouTube videos that people will want to watch for more than five minutes takes time, and often physical resources; both of these things are in limited quantities. There are several steps involved in videography: Brainstorming, Scripting, Filming, Editing, Audio, etc. While like Drew, one of my many ambitions is to become a filmmaker, I am not as comfortable as he is currently with talking to a camera that is pointed at his face (I suppose he wasn't either when he first started out). With a regular blog, I only have to do one of those things on a regular basis: Writing Now, full disclosure, Writing is not something I generally l...