
Showing posts from June, 2022

Additional notes why I'm starting a blog

Let me first share a favorite Mantra of mine used by Andrew Erickson, best known from the Tailosive network of YouTube channels; he says: "Be the Creator you want to see." This is the approach that he uses when creating videos. I admire him for his Authenticity and effort to maintain his unique artistic voice. I have also learned that creating good YouTube videos that people will want to watch for more than five minutes takes time, and often physical resources; both of these things are in limited quantities. There are several steps involved in videography: Brainstorming, Scripting, Filming, Editing, Audio, etc. While like Drew, one of my many ambitions is to become a filmmaker, I am not as comfortable as he is currently with talking to a camera that is pointed at his face (I suppose he wasn't either when he first started out). With a regular blog, I only have to do one of those things on a regular basis: Writing Now, full disclosure, Writing is not something I generally l...

Lunch Day and some other non-sequitor thoughts

 The day the 45th President of the United Sates got a hole-in-one was a day never to be forgotten. It is in that same spirit of the occasion, that I dedicate this inaugural post to the time I had lunch at the Missouri Orthopedic Institute. Unfortunately, I took no pictures. I do feel happy for all of those happy iPhone users who will be enjoying their new lock screens this fall, even if I am not among them. If you have an iPhone that was released in 2017 or later, I would highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to make your iPhone your own, assuming you're not borrowing it from someone else.I did not originally intend for this to be a speculative blog, and you have my permission to quote me on that whenever I do speculate about the future, which is something that I do quite often enough in real life to be too much for my own good. Just what kind of Blog is this going to be? It's far too early for me to say. Of course, the subject matter of upcoming posts will...